The Swiss Horse

"The Swiss Horse" is a cocktail that artfully blends the bold and refined flavors of Drunken Horse Gin with a carefully curated selection of ingredients to create a truly unique and delightful drinking experience. This cocktail is a nod to the adventurous spirit, combining the crispness of apple, the tang of lime, the sweetness of orgeat syrup, and the mysterious depth of absinth. It's a drink that promises to take your taste buds on an exhilarating journey, perfect for those who love to explore the uncharted territories of flavour.

Bronze-toned etched drawing of a Drunken Horse Gin bottle.

How to Prepare The Swiss Horse:


  • 4cl Drunken Horse Gin
  • 1cl Absinth
  • 1.5cl Orgeat Syrup
  • 1.5cl Lime Juice
  • 2.5cl Cold Apple Juice


  1. Mix the Base: In a cocktail shaker, combine 4cl of Drunken Horse Gin with 1cl of absinth. The gin’s citrusy notes beautifully contrast with the anise-flavored complexity of absinth.
  2. Sweet and Tangy Addition: Add 1.5cl of orgeat syrup for a sweet, nutty flavor and 1.5cl of lime juice for a refreshing citrus tang.
  3. Complete with Apple: Pour in 2.5cl of cold apple juice, adding a crisp and fruity dimension that perfectly balances the cocktail.
  4. Shake it Up: Fill the shaker with ice and shake vigorously. This not only chills the drink but also helps to blend the flavors seamlessly.
  5. Strain and Serve: Strain the mixture into a chilled glass. The fine straining ensures a smooth texture without any ice chips.
  6. Garnish: Optionally, garnish with a slice of apple or a twist of lime peel to enhance the visual appeal and add a subtle aroma.
  7. Enjoy: Relish the layered flavors of The Swiss Horse, a cocktail that offers a sophisticated and enigmatic taste experience, reflective of its namesake.

Replacement Ingredients:

  • Absinth Substitute: If you're looking for an alternative to absinth, consider using Pernod or any other anise-flavored liqueur. These alternatives offer a similar licorice taste without the intensity of absinth.
  • Orgeat Syrup Substitute: For a non-alcoholic or easier-to-find replacement for orgeat syrup, you can use almond syrup or even make a simple syrup infused with a drop of almond extract. This will give you a similar sweet and nutty flavor profile.

Discover 'The Swiss Horse' cocktail with Drunken Horse Gin. Perfect for gin tonic lovers and ideal for special occasions.

The Drunken Horse Gin is served

at these leading hotels & premium lounges